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    Camecoro+ előfizetés

    Ugye milyen jó lenne ha mindig lenne otthon kávé? Ráadásul mindezt kedvezménnyel!

    Tovabbi információ

    Fedezd fel kávé csomagjainkat!

    Kávé csomagjaink közül biztosan megtalálod a számodra legszimpatikusabbat. Ráadásul jobban megéri.

    Kávé csomagok


    Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


    Frequently asked Questions

    How can I pay?

    You can pay with cash and, of course, by card.

    How do I get the product?

    A courier service will deliver the product to the specified address

    How long until I receive the product?

    If you order between Monday and Thursday until 12:00, you will receive the product the next day. If you order on Friday, you will receive it on Monday.

    What should I do if the package is damaged?

    If your package arrives damaged, in any case, file a damage report with the courier and do not accept the package, send the damage report to the email address camecorokft@gmail.com.

    Why should I buy Camecoro coffee?

    Because the most important thing for us is quality, that we offer our customers coffee from the best plantations in the world. We roast our coffees at home and pack them fresh.

    What is Camecoro+

    Camecoro+ is Camecoro's new subscription service. You can subscribe for 3 months or 6 months.

    How does Camecoro+ work?

    You choose which product you want to subscribe to and for how long, you can even subscribe to several products. You then pay the subscription in one sum and we deliver the coffee to you.